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Sunday, September 30, 2012

What's on my bookshelf, you ask?

Sadly, I was mistaken about Taken and sadly, no pics of the hair this weekend. But, I will let ya know what's on my bookshelf marked "read."

I got in a little easy reading at the end of summer and early school year. Now, I'm just waiting til Fall Break for me to be able to read again. *le sigh* No time during the school year...there are always papers to be graded, housework to be done, lesson plans needing to be made, JL meetings, etc. Life gets busy!

Out of Africa

I always enjoyed the movie with Robert Redford and Meryl Streep. Although, the movie, if I remember correctly, is quite different from the book. More of a love story to it whereas the book's main character has a  love for her plantation instead. I do believe that Dinesen left much of her "real" story out of the book which is more like the movie. Still it's such a great read for non-fiction. 

This is the sequel to Patton's first book to Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter. I enjoyed the first book because the setting is my hometown! Some of the things in the book are accurate as far as that goes. Some of the names are changed, but you still know who/what she is referring to. I thought it was a quick, easy, fun read. The second book finished the story, but it was lackluster in my opinion. An easy pool read? yes. A work of art? no. 

Hmmmm, I don't really know what to say about this one. I feel it's one of two things: A) Harris is starting to tie up loose ends to end the series or B) she's locked into a contract to fulfill books by a certain deadline. If I knew which it was, it might make talking about this book easier. I feel the last 2 or 3 books just don't have the same quality or stigma the series began with. It was still good to read about some of my favorite characters, especially Eric Northman. wink wink;) However, if you're looking for a can't put it down kinda read like the first 5 books, well you can keep looking. Because, you will put this down when the phone rings or when it's time to go somewhere. It's not a read at the stoplight, stay up all night to just finish the book kinda read. 

In case you've never heard of Goodreads, I log all my reviews on there. Also, it's nice to see what friends are reading, and often, I seem to pick something up I normally wouldn't because of seeing their updates. You can find me on there. Here's a link: 
  Personalized Gifts

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Random Musings

Things get a little hectic during the school year. I have all the best intentions of posting regularly, but then, this little internet space of mine falls through the cracks.

 What's been going on in my world? Oh you know, just a 24 hour virus. Ugh, I came down with it around 8am yesterday at school and went home at lunch. I couldn't keep anything down until around noon today. I must have picked it up at school; middle school kids forget about good hygiene!!!! I started to feel better so there was NO way I was going to miss my hair appointment. This girl has had some jank roots for over a month now. Like a month overdue for a highlight. I wanted to go back to warm, rich brown with caramel highlights for winter so my stylist suggested going with lowlights this time to prep it for the fall color I want. It's quite a bit darker. I guess that means I'll just have to get dressed up and go somewhere this weekend just so I can show you pic of it;)

I, also, signed up to become a Scentsy consultant tonight. Who am I? Did I really just do this? I am always so scared to go on such ventures. I've never sold anything before, but I like their products so I figured why not?!?!?!! Scentsy smells yummy:)

 I really want to see Taken 2 this weekend. Liam Neeson is AWESOME; hopefully, this will be just as good as Taken. That's about it for know super boring!
  Personalized Gifts

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pink Ponies and Rainbows...

Rainbow Connection is one of my favorite polishes by OPI. I wear it all the time because it's quick to dry since it's just clear polish with pieces of glitter. I get lots of compliments because it's sparkly. The downside, it's no longer offered anymore. You can find some on fleabay, but they are ridic in price for a bottle of nail polish.

 I just so happen to LOVE those Ulta coupons you get in the mail. I went in for blotting paper, and you can't just leave with buying one thing...and, since I always have a coupon, why not? Ha! I saw this and was like this looks just like my Rainbow Connection.

Figured I'd buy it as a back up when the other runs out or alternate between the two since it was pretty close. I kid you not, they are the EXACT same. So, ladies you can still get your rainbow connection if you wish:) It's the Kardashian Kolor Spring line by Nicole. The color is called Rainbow in the S-kylie.

Can you tell the difference??? I can't. Nicole is on the left; OPI is on the right.
  Personalized Gifts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Arthur Court on RLL and more!

FYI, Arthur Court will be on Rue La La tomorrow.

I got quite a bit of AC as wedding gifts off our registry. I love them!!!!

Brook Brothers Men, Women, and kid's sale is Tuesday

If you need an invite to join, here ya go:
  Personalized Gifts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

4 years and counting...

This little blog is officially 4 years old today. Happy Blogiversary to Southern Belle!!!! I went back to look at my very first post and see what nonsensical, amazingness I started this beauty with. Here it is:  

So, this is my first blog. I'm just going to start with today. No background, no ridiculously long paragraph with my loves, hates, likes, and dislikes. Just today starting fresh. My best friend from undergrad just got married this past weekend. Kinda reminded me that out of our group, I am the last one left...Also, reminded me that I am getting kinda old too. She chose red, black, and white as her colors. I personally wouldn't have chosen red in September due to my fixation that red is a winter color nonetheless the reception looked like a Christmas in September. It was a lot of fun:) Also, reminded me that I am the last one to also not have children. The bride had a baby 2 months before the wedding. Technically, proposal came first, and baby was an added surprise. Anyways, I've been seeing Law Clerk for about a month now. I'm normally a non-committal person due to previous relationships in the past and not wanting to be hurt again. I know, I know everyone's been hurt blah blah. Just I'm scared okay. Law Clerk was a surprise. Have known him for awhile now, but it kind of snuck up on me. We have always picked on each other since we've met. Guess you can describe us as being 3rd grade. You know how when you were little and liked someone, you would just be mean or punch them. Yeah that was us. He's the most amazing man I've ever met. He is so kind and awesome. Just writing about him brings a smile to my face. I appreciate every second we spend together. I'm very picky, and normally, I never like anyone. Believe me, I know I'm no Gisele or Heidi Klum, but I'm an intelligent, attractive woman, and have felt that I deserve the same. However, I am smitten. Completely and utterly smitten with LC. I love the way his hair smells, the feeling when his long eyelashes tickle my skin, how my hand fits perfectly in his, his hands on the small of my back as I enter a room, the way he picks me up like a baby when I'm tired, and I could go on and on. I hope that he likes me as much as I like him. I have been afraid that what happens if he doesn't end up liking me that much, or at all, or what if he just wakes up one day and decides he just doesn't feel the same. It's scary, but I have chosen for once to finally let my fears subside and run with it. To me, it's worth risking and for me that's saying a lot.....................

Well, one thing is, I don't think I'll ever win a Pulitzer Prize for the writing on here, nor will I ever be deemed a poet laureate. Ha! 

A lot has changed and some not at all. I always think of red being a winter color, but red can be fall too! My bff's wedding was so fun, and all the red reminded me of Christmas and I LOVE Christmas! Sadly, she is divorced now. But, it's for the better. I am still with law clerk. I'm actually married to law clerk. For you new readers, that's how LC got his name. No, those aren't his initials--I'm not that clever;) LC stands for- you got it, law clerk. However, he's no longer a law clerk; he's a practicing attorney. I'm no longer a commercial real estate assistant; I'm a teacher. I'm no longer in my twenties; shoot, I'm about to be heading to the end of my early thirties next year. What I wouldn't give to be 28 again!!!! We got married, still no kids (for the record, we are trying). As much as his OCDness and germaphobia drives me cray cray, it still brings a smile to my face when reading about how much I loved him from the very beginning:))))

**stay tuned-blogiversary giveaway happening soon....
  Personalized Gifts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Help a fellow JL blogger out...

Hi Ladies, 

If you're a JL'er, please read. And, if you can help out that would be fab. Here's a post written by my blogger friend, Katie, over at Dressed in Cotton:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Junior League Cookbooks

I have a great favor to ask of you friends. I am co-chair for our Junior League's Holiday Market this year. If you don't know what Holiday Market is, here is a quick run down: Holiday Market is a three day long fundraiser that involves bringing several vendors into one space for our shopping fun! Our league does a ladies night on the first night with a silent auction. Friday and Saturday is shopping all day. We are ending Market with a big party and live auction Saturday night. 
So here is what I need from you. We are hosting a booth at this year's Holiday Market where we will be selling cookbooks from different Junior League's across the country. I am hoping that some of you might be willing to pass along contact information for your cookbook committee (or whoever would be in charge of getting cookbooks in your league). 
If you want to pass along contact information, you can email me at DressedInCotton (at)
I already put her in contact with my publications chair, but if you can, pass her info on to yours:)))
 Personalized Gifts

Sunday, September 16, 2012

SB's Netflix Queue

Wow! I didn't realize how long it had been since I'd done a Netflix post. Hmmmmmmm, let's see---over the summer I watched these:
True Blood Season 4
SB's rating: 5 stars!!!
I'm still loving this series!
Eric Northman----yummy:))))))))))))

Downton Abbey Seasons 1 and 2
SB's rating: 5 stars!!!!!
Oh my word, this just makes my little English literature with a concentration in Brit Lit heart all warm and fuzzy and pink ponies and rainbows and all that goodness! Can you tell I can't wait for season 3??!!??! Def dvr'ing and not waiting for Netflix. 

Water for Elephants
SB's rating: 4/5 stars
I really enjoyed the book and felt they didn't go in depth enough with the movie. However, it's still a good one. And, who doesn't mind staring at RPatz for about two or so hours? Not this girl. Don't mind if I do;)

Something Borrowed
SB's rating: 3/5 stars
I feel like this is a great renter. I'd been disappointed if I'd paid full price at the movies. It deviated from the book a little; however, great movie for a lazy afternoon. 

We just started Lost this week. It's already pretty addictive. I wonder if we'll like the whole series?? Any good shows and/or movies you've been watching on Netflix? Drop me a line...
  Personalized Gifts

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Growing Up

It's hard to see your babies grow up...

 Yesterday, the high school had their homecoming parade, and they came around to the middle school. The high school kids toss out candy from their floats to the students, and it's just a break from the norm.

Wow! I saw some of my kids from my first year of teaching.  They had no idea it was my first year, and I think I learned more from them than they from me. It was so wonderful to see their face light up when they saw me, and a few even ran up to give me hugs and were waving profusely. One of them was even yelling that's my favorite teacher. I love her!!!! It warmed this heart of mine to see them doing well. I imagine this must be similar to what it's like to watch your own children grow up. I am SO proud of them and hope they do wonderful things in life. I know they will because I was their teacher! Bwahahahahaha! Really I do wish them all the best and hope they still come back and see me---even when they're grown. :)))
 Personalized Gifts

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dirty Shirley LOOOOVEEEEEE!!!!

Y'all I am head over heels for Dirty Shirley. I love the blue print they've come out with at Lifeguard Press. I have an Elsa top in DS, but it's a pink print. The blue is TDF girls. JUST TDF!!

Lifeguard Press was so sweet and sent me the Lilly Pulitzer luggage tag in dirty shirley to review. Well, the luggage tag DOES in fact match my hot pink luggage perfectly, and I may or may not have already filled out the info form inside the tag and attached to my suitcase...just keepin' it real! I like the tag because it has a snap closure and not just a slide-in pocket w/o security. Gotta keep the info together:)))
 The other item that was sent to me was such a blessing! My LP tech case in chumbucket was on its last clean corner. It had gotten pretty dingy from normal wear and tear, and it was time for new one. Of course, I love the Dirty Shirley tech case and was super stoked to find it in my package with the tag. My iPhone is loving its new home, and the only reason you can't see my phone in this pic is because I had to take it out to take a pic for you!
The great thing about Lifeguard Press is when you order from them, they already have the stock. The other stores have to get their products in from Lifeguard which makes shipping a little longer if they don't have the product in their store on hand.

I cannot rave enough about LP! Great customer service and great products! The print is so pretty that I may or may not have just purchased these items for my desk at school:
$10 bucks--super cheap for a cute calculator!
6 bucks to keep my Diet Dr. Pepper cold while I teach:)

$7 bucks for cuteness to write stuff down on!

**I was not financially compensated by Lifeguard Press for my review of the luggage tag or tech case. They were provided to me for review by Lifeguard Press. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
 Personalized Gifts

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Le Sigh...

When I got home from my JL meeting, LC was watching some documentary on the History Channel about 9/11. Some of the people described the last contact they had with their loved ones while they were trapped in the buildings. I can't even fathom what it must have been like. I'll never forget where I was at the moment I found out about the Twin Towers. My 9:40 American History class. One of those moments that I don't think I'll ever forget where I was at that time. I saw this pic on FB and took a screen print. Today, my heart is heavy because it has not forgotten...

 Personalized Gifts

Monday, September 10, 2012

Palamino Pretty!

You might want to write this down. For once, I am NOT wearing a stitch of Lilly Pulitzer. I think the devil's fiery place hath frozen over. Ha!
OOTN: Dinner W/the In-Laws
top: white tee-Banana Republic/cardigan-New York &Co.
jeans: 7 for all Mankind
shoes: DSW 
jewelry: necklace-Stella & Dot palamino/bracelets-assorted (Stella & Dot, Jewelry Nut Auctions)

I snapped this pic while popping in Old Navy before dinner. I wished I had bought those cute sailboat shorts this summer, and now, they're all gone:( Btw, I totally need to get these jeans hemmed. Normally, SFAM always fit me even with the regular length; however, this pair is extremely long. Do they look weird if you get them hemmed? Can they use the original hem? Never had jeans hemmed before. 

Love love love the Stella & Dot Palamino necklace. Here's a stock photo: 

  Personalized Gifts

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Jamzzzzz!

If you are around my age, early thirties *gasp* or even in your latter twenties, I think you will enjoy this station! I found Pop2K on Sirius, and I think it's like my favorite station EVER! They play everything from the first decade 2000-2010. I love it because they play stuff that I use to jam to in college and early graduate school. You know the stuff you played as loud as it could go while you and your girlfriends were getting ready for a night on the town! Look at this jam they played the other day:
Bwahahahaha! I had totally forgotten about this song. They also play a lot of N*Sync which I LOVE!! Not to mention, on the way to work yesterday, I heard Ashanti and JaRule. Remember them?!?!?!? It's fun because usually when something pops on it brings back memories of something I was doing in college. Btw, the station is #14 on Sirius*.
. Personalized Gifts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer Veggie Goat Cheese Pasta

I worked a Junior League shift at the Chick-Fil-A 5k yesterday. It's amazing what these people do behind the scenes! I worked with another fellow JLer, and we did data entry (keying in bib numbers w/names for the day of registrants). Once the race had started, they asked us to manual record the times. This is a back up plan to the back up plan as far as race timing goes. My partner called out bib numbers as they crossed the finish line while I manually entered the numbers into a machine. Talk about carpal tunnel afterwards. It was CRAZY!!! It was very hot and a lot of fun:)))

Later last night, we had friends over. Between the hot day of volunteering outside to shopping outside at garden center at Lowe's, to exercising outside (walking---thinking about running again!), it was nice to just have a nice light dinner. My hubs cooked this yummy recipe I found in this month's issue of the Food Network mag. He made a few adjustments which I notated at teh end. It was so good. I had leftovers for lunch and ate it again for dinner tonight. So good!

pictured borrowed from FN

Fettucine With Summer Vegetables and Goat Cheese


  • Kosher salt
  • 1 large yellow tomato, seeded and diced
  • 1 small yellow squash, finely diced
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh chives (about 1 small bunch)
  • Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 ounces soft goat cheese, crumbled
  • 12 ounces dried egg fettuccine
  • 4 ounces wax beans (about 2 cups), trimmed and halved lengthwise
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Toss the tomato, squash, chives, lemon zest and 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large bowl. Season with salt. Sprinkle in half of the goat cheese.
Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook as the label directs, adding the wax beans to the pot during the last 3 minutes of cooking. Reserve 1/4 cup of the cooking water, then drain the pasta and beans and add to the bowl with the vegetables. Drizzle with the reserved cooking water and the remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil and toss until the goat cheese begins to melt. Add the parmesan and toss. Divide among bowls and top with the remaining goat cheese.

**My hubs left out the wax beans and added green and red bells, zucchini, onion, squash, and asparagus. He threw some chicken in it as well. It was really good! Our friends enjoyed it as well! Thought I'd pass this one along:))))

  Personalized Gifts

Monday, September 3, 2012

Clutch? Yes, Please.

I'll take them ALL!!!!! Seriously, how cute are these clutches from Tipsy Skipper?!?!?!? So cute!

Not to mention, they have flip flops (in girls' sizes too, btw!). Loveeeeeeeeee:))))
**All thoughts are my own. I was not compensated financially or given a product to post this.
  Personalized Gifts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Skipper and Baubles!

At first I was hesitant to post this pic. I had gained a few pounds upon returning from our honeymoon. Eating badly because crunched for time the week before, eating and drinking without conscience during our honeymoon, and not taking care of myself when we returned = a few extra lbs. This pic was taken about a month ago. Happy to say, I've lost 3 lbs since school started; I can already tell a difference...guess it's because I'm short. I just need to lose 3 more, and I'll be happy:)

OOTN: Dinner Out
top: Lilly Pulitzer Lexie in starry blue drama queen
pants: blue2 jeans
shoes: Stephen Bonanno Eva
jewelry: Bridier Baubles Mini Boca necklace
handbag: Tipsy Skipper

I absolutely LOVE this necklace. I've received many compliments on it. Bridier Baubles will at times run a sale, and while waiting at the airport to fly to Savannah, she ran a July 4th coupon. I decided to scoop up the mini boca I'd been eyeing. I wore it again the other day and took a close up for you! It's similar to the bubble necklaces I wear. Love love Love love Love! I don't see any on her site right now, but maybe, she'll get some more in. I'd love another one in a different color. 

Another thing, I absolutely LOVE the Tipsy Skipper That's a Croc in Flambe tote. They sent it to me quite some time ago for review. I think I reviewed it, but I hadn't really carried it very much. I haven't changed out the That's a Croc tote since Georgia. It's big enough to carry my Lifeguard Press Lilly Pulitzer agenda, wallet, odds/ends, and it has a pocket on the inside as well. I ended up carrying it on the plane because it fit all of my junk along with my carry-on. I really really like it! Here's a stock photo: 

And I'm loving this same tote but in this print: 
Such cute stuff!!! I think I'm going to do a post on their clutches stay tuned:)))
  Personalized Gifts


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