If you have a Talbots near you, you should jump on this. They are giving away free flip flops. This is what you need to do. Copy and paste this code into Word. Put your first name where it says first name and put your last name where it says last name. I've bolded this for you=) Then, copy the code and paste in your browser. You will see that it will have your name on the coupon. Just wanted to pass it along.
Those are sooo cute! Thanks for sharing! Thanks also for your offer of the spring JL meeting - I would love to take you up on that!
Thanks! I could use a pair of free flip flops! :)
awesome! thanks :)
The Talbots nearby would not give out any because they only got one box of twelve in smalls.
I am not a small.
So fun!! You are so sweet to have posted this!!! :) And girl, I am LOVING your (probably not new, I'm just so late) layout!!! It looks amazing!!!! I need to get one too!!! :)
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