That show you know when Claire Danes is going through the awkward phase of adolescence. It's a huge change you're going through, and your life is never as it was before. That's how I feel. Do you ever feel like transitioning to the next stage in your life can be so hard? This move is starting to make me aware of the big changes coming to my life. I know you're thinking what can possibly change that BIG by moving into a house from an apartment. I live downtown. It's fun. My friends that I hang out with most live downtown or extremely close in proximity to downtown. Now, I am moving about 40 minutes away in what most would consider the "burbs". No one is going to want to come to the burbs. There's not a nightlife, and well, you can't have a "good" time and drive all the way back downtown and vice versa for me unless you'd like a pretty mugshot. It's been kind of hard on me lately. LC and I are very serious like on the brink of *cough cough, ahem* engagement I'm thinking Christmas at the latest. And, I hope I just didn't jinx myself. My other friends are not. I will be closer to my bestest friend in the world, but she has a baby which I do not I am definitely not in that transition stage. . And my other closest friend lives in a suburb about 20 minutes away, but she's seeing my cute, rebound boy. Not to mention, she quit inviting me out ages ago. I guess, when "I" became a "we". She later mentioned that people get tired of being rejected. I'm not one of those once I get a boyfriend I fall off the face of the Earth kind of girls. I did that once, and I learned a very hard lesson. I just need a little notice. Give me a week or two's notice. I mean I do have someone else that takes up my time to consider. It's very important to me to maintain my friendships when being in a relationship. I guess she just assumed that I wouldn't want to go because I'm in a serious relationship. That's not the case, I just need some notice is all. And I miss her. I just keep telling myself that this house is a good investment; because if it weren't for the recession, we would not be able to afford this neighborhood. It's a house that we can grow into once we have kids versus having to sell due to it being too small. I know that's it's a good choice. I know it's a wise choice. I know that I will love it once I'm there and able to decorate and make it my own. I know this but still it's change. And change, well it's good. I'm growing up. I'm moving on to that next step. It's so weird when your life and your friends' lives don't change together. It's like I'm embarking on a new journey, and I feel alone. My only solace some times is my married best friend who's been there. I'm looking at home decoration sites and wedding mags don't roll your eyes. yes, I realize I'm not even engaged yet but, my friends, they aren't there yet. And it sucks. I wish they were going through this phase with me. Ah, but such is life....
I know exactly what you mean. We don't know any other married couples who don't have kids yet, so it makes it really hard to go out with people - because either they are dating and you can't talk about the same things relationally or else they have kids and don't really want to go out and do stuff because babysitters cost money and kids don't do well in restaurants and our house isn't "babyproof." It's very annoying.
Ahhhh, such is life..and it will al figure itself out in due time. :)
You'll make new friends. And there are plenty of places to hang out at other than downtown.
You'll make it through these growing pains. Everything happens for a reason, I'm sure of it.
You really nailed it with this description of things Miss Belle, and it is really an odd sensation, or at least it was for me. I know it will get better in some form or fashion, but it takes time. Ini the long run I know you will be happier, but then that's easy for me to say, right?!
Sending you a smile and a hug,
Best of luck! Those are hard transitions. It is so difficult when your friends and you are in different places in life. It will all work out.
Girl, change if never easy but soooo necessary!!!
I can relate.. my friends back in Pa are ahead on the whole marriage/baby thing and I'm not there yet but my friends here in FL are all single and like partying. Like you, I like to go out but I need notice and some people dont like that.
Good luck with things... it will all work out in time.
I LOVED My So Called LIfe!! Why did they cancel it again?
Transitioning can be so, so hard, but just give it some time! You will find your place and a new way of doing things! For example, you can still go out, but you may just have to take turns being the designated driver. I know it is tough to think about all the changes, but you have such an exciting time in front of you!!! Wishing you all the best!!!
We really should be neighbors.....I am in the same situation right now. And, I'm kind of depressed about it. My best friend is working on baby #2 and I am SOOOOO not ready for baby #1! My other friends live miles away, so I'm kind of girl-friendless at the moment :( The hubs and I desperately need to find another couple that is in the same phase in life as we are. We still like to go out every now and then! Basically, I feel like I have children even though I do not...and I don't like it at ALL.
I hope you and LC find some fun couples out in the burbs!
Life takes many turns and one constantly has to reinvent themselves
Ha! I know what you mean on not being able to do couple dates with Ed Hardy if your guy is Brooks Brothers.
My friends and I all got married at the same time, but they are on the baby train now. Husband isn't ready, it is killing me.
I'm definitely going through the same thing. Change is good... but it is also absolutely terrifying sometimes! I see you're coming to Florida. Where abouts in FL? I'm in Tallahassee ... just be warned, it's like still poolside weather, so bring lots of warm summer clothes. Definitely not fall yet down here (=
Do you mean this to sound so patronizing towards those who you called your friends, or am I ready too much into this, "Southern Belle"?
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