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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pretty Present for a Pretty Girl

So, you've all read that I'm EL BROKE-O. It's true. I missed college BFF's little girl's bday party last month. She lives in Nashvegas, and we just couldn't make it up that weekend. Little E turned a whopping 2 years old. Sheesh, where does the time go!! I needed to get her a present, and I happened to jump onto to do some online "wish" shopping. It just so happened that I had one credit on there. RANDOM. I had no idea. It expires next month. I got it back in April evidently. I was like puh-leeze let there be some cute children's clothes on there. JACKPOT!!! I scored this cute, little number for $2.95 after my $25 credit and shipping/handling.

Isn't it just the cutest?!!?!?!  I figured she could wear it next spring and summer. So cute!

Gilt just doesn't have children's sales, they have women's, men's, and home. It's a good site like Rue La La. So, if you're not a member, well, ya should be. With that being said, here's my personal invite link so that you can shop on gilt too!


Charbelle said...

Adorable!! What a fabulous find!!

Tara Gibson said...

umm that is precious! Does it come in my size?!? : )

mFw said...

SO cute!!! Great deal!


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