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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What Animals Can Teach Us

LC is helping build a deck for his brother as part of their wedding gift. He woke me up Sunday morning since he was leaving early, and I couldn't go back to sleep. I've never really been one to watch Oprah; however, her channel was the only thing that was really on. One of the episodes was "What Animals Can Teach Us". She was right about one thing, a dog's love must be like God's love. They love you know matter what. They are always there. They always love. I look back now and know that Puggy was the biggest blessing God could have ever given me. I can look back and see I think the real reason I wanted a dog was because I was in a bad relationship. At the time, my boyfriend was cheating on me and I didn't want to believe it, he stayed out all hours of the night and I didn't want to believe he had a drinking problem, and I didn't want to believe that I couldn't be loved. Getting Puggy changed my life. She made it better. I had something that loved me in return. Someone who was excited to see me when I got home, someone that just wanted a hug when I walked in the door, and someone that wanted to be with me at all times. Those were all the things that my boyfriend was not. About 8 months later, I kicked my boyfriend out. It's a long story and not one I care to revisit, but it was just a screwed up situation. The situation was horrible and terrible; Puggy was there. She saw me through so many good times and so many bad times. Everyday I look forward to coming home and seeing her. It doesn't matter that I've been super busy this semester and haven't been able to spend much time with her, she's still just as happy to see me. She knows when I'm sad and will just nuzzle up against me. She makes me smile. This MUST be what God's love is like. He loves unconditionally just like my pug does.

Until one has loved an animal, part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France
 “Some of my best moments on earth have been spent with my dogs.” - Oprah Winfrey

I love you, Puggy:)))))))))))

PS-Don't forget about my Jayes Studio giveaway here!

Personalized Gifts


Pink Lace and Cupcakes said...

This is soo sweet! My pup has certainly helped me through many a rough time, and they do love unconditionally!

Leslie said...

Very true! Animals can be so loving and soothing.

Elizabeth said...

I love my dogs, I was devastated last year when Reese passed away, I still think about him all the time. No one will ever takes my animals place in my heart!

Kristin said...

My dog has certainly been there for me quite a bit. Through a bad break up, a new baby, and a ton of other stuff. My husband mentioned the other day that Boss (my chihuahua) wouldn't be around forever. I was almost in tears and just the thought. I informed my husband that should I lose Boss expect me to be completely devastated and useless for a long time.

Simply Sara said...

This post made me smile!!



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