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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Brain Dump

Not much going on over here. Thought I'd just do a brain dump.

I'm out of school for summer. One of the pros about being a teacher. Honestly I admit, I haven't done a thing except pick up around the house a little bit, stay up late reading/watching tv,  spending time with Puggy, and sleeping in til like noon. I gotta stop that starting next week. I need to clean our house and be productive before my husband kills me. But, I am enjoying this quiet time right now.

We've watched seasons 1-3 of True Blood. LOVES IT! I've read all the Sookie Stackhouse books except for the newest one, Deadlocked. I keep seeing mediocre reviews. Is it worth reading now or to wait til paperback? At first in the books and the tv series, I really liked Bill. Secretly, I hope she ends up with Eric. Maybe, I'm just kind of partial because Alexander Skarsgard is quite delish:)

I plan to start running again starting on Monday. My surgeon gave me the okay. I'm also planning on signing up for The Color Run 5k tonight when it opens. I've never ran that race, and I think it would be fun:)))

I caught up with an old friend last night on the phone [do people still talk on the phone? ha!], and I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering what the heck happened to our lives. Even she's been stuck in a rut lately about being "born and raised" and why didn't our parents tell it that it would be this hard. Ha! I think it's different for our generation. Our parents got married, had kids, and got a job because well, that's what you did back then. For us, we are a generation about finding ourselves, and the recession hasn't helped matters either. Sometimes, I still feel like I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

The mister and I are going to start trying to have a baby. We think it's time. However, I read so many things about women struggling with infertility that I try not to think about it much. I try to keep all those thoughts lost deep in my mind for fear actually pondering them might drive me to having to be medicated.

I'm getting excited about our trip to Savannah. My BIL is getting married, and like I've said, we're staying a week after that. I don't know that you could actually call it a honeymoon since we've been married for over 6 months now. I guess it's a *vacation*.

I had a talk with my hubs about something really weighing on my mind. However, I think he totally blew it off which in turn pissed me off, but still I digress... You see, I want to move to the beach. Coastal town, heck, I would be happy inland. I want to live where it's warm all year round, and it's always been what I've wanted to do ever since I can remember. I actually had looked into how my teaching license would transfer and what not before I met LC. I tried to explain this is something I WAS going to do, but then, I met him. I don't want to stay here. I don't want to live here. Maybe, eventually, he'll take me seriously. Because I really don't like living here anymore. I feel like my dream is slipping away...

Today, I filled out the paperwork to update my teaching license. For one, it's to change my name. My county won't change my email or order me a new nameplate until it's updated on my license. I waited to send the stuff in because I knew I'd have to resubmit to add my master's degree on it as well. I was SO proud when I read on my transcript that I hold a master of arts in teaching. Just to see it in print felt so good:)

PS-Emily Anne if you're reading this, you're email isn't accessible from your profile. If you still want the bracelets, you're going to have to email me your info!
  Personalized Gifts


Angie said...

Don't give up on your dream of living at/near the beach!

Congrats on getting your Masters! That is a huge accomplishment :)

Elizabeth {Ms Classic Glamour} said...

I hope your hubby listens to you and decides to move to the beach! How cool would that be?!
I've been sleeping in and staying up a lot lately, too... it's kind of ridiculous when you wake and it's already time for lunch. HA!


Unknown said...

Just shot you an email. Sorry about the confusion.

Congrats on your Masters!

REBrown said...

Living at the beach would be pretty awesome....then I go down there and I'm ready to come home 4 days later.

I can't wait to start seeing some baby posts down the road!


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