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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Counter De-Clutter!

So, I always have all my make up and stuff all over the counter. It never fails that all of my junk creeps over to LC's side, and he constantly pushes it back over because well, he's OCD like that. He should just let me have this as my own personal bathroom, but I digress...Anyways, I don't like putting my makeup and face stuff in the drawer, because it's such a hassle to open the drawer up every time I need something. #whitegirlproblems

I saw this while perusing Target one day and thought it was perfect. I can't remember the exact price, but I know it was less than 15 bucks. It's made by Caboodle, and it has done my counter wonders. It totally de-cluttered it and everything is organized. Wished I would have had one of these when I was in college!

Personalized Gifts


Anonymous said...

I love it, I have been in search for something like this for my makeup forever! Thanks for sharing.

Jenny said...

God, I love organization. It's almost like porn to me. LOL Tmi? Perhaps.

Carrie said...

I so need one of those!! My make up is currently sitting on my living room floor in front of the full length mirror! Ha!

alicia said...

I need this! Was it in the cosmetic section?

The Pink Chick said...

Hello Friend! I know your wedding is coming up this weekend, and I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you! I know it is going to be absolutely perfect! I can't wait to see pictures! Have fun and enjoy your wedding weekend! Sending you the best of wishes!!!


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