Regardless, I ended up with some great gifts this year! These are my new pretties!
LC got me a new car! It's not brand new, but it's similar to this in a diff color. I haven't had a new car in about 5 years! It was my MIL's. She got a new car so he bought her old one. Regardless, I have a new car, and I'm loving it:)
Nook Tablet and a new Barnes and Noble Membership from LC, my BIL and future SIL!!!!
Patagonia Fleece:from LC:)
VS pink and black polka dot pjs
and my parents paid off my VS bill. Yay:)
Kinect from the in-laws! Can't wait to start using this to workout.
And my mom bought this fleece fabric from Hancock's and had my aunt make me a fleece blanket out of it. Tacky?Yes. Love it? For sure:)
Anddddd, the parentals also gave me the Urban Decay Naked palette. Yay!
Also, my parents gave me $75 which was much needed:)
I had a great Christmas. I got great presents, but my heart was full after this weekend. So great to see family and friends. I can't wait til next year!
Paying off the VS bill - best. gift. ever! :) Glad you had a wonderful holiday!
looks like a great Christmas!
Yay! You made out like a bandit for Christmas! :)
Seriously great presents - but the gone with the wind fleece blankie is obv the best by far ;)
oooh love the goodies...
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