"Miss Belle This is _________ from last year I was just sending you this email because it seems like everytime I try to come see you I can't but want to tell you that I miss you SOOOOOOOO much and there is no teacher or classroom that has made so much improvement in my life. I remember the first time I came in your class no one thought we could get along with you, but now we can't get enough! You are the BEST teacher that I have ever had and you always will be, you pushed us so hard and never gave up on us! I know we also got you to smile when you tried not to, but I know you were put in my life for a reason and I will never forget you, I love you so much stay amazing and I hope you're happily married because that is one lucky guy to have you in his life."
**This is an email from a former student of mine last year that is now a freshman in high school. They had no idea it was my first year teaching. I wasn't going to EVER tell them that;) It's times like these that you know what you do for a living makes a difference, that your job affects others, that you are helping change the world. This is what makes my job worth it all...
I got a little welled up reading that. What a wonderful thing to hear! Good for you; you are changing those kids for the better!
Ah! That's the best feeling in the world :) To know you have made the difference in just one life! It's so worthwhile! They're lucky to have you!
that is amazing!
That is so sweet!
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