I went to my Junior League retreat this past weekend dears, and I had this much F.U.N. like capital letters fun. To be honest, I was not expecting it to be fun. I expected to look at my watch every second praying it was time to go. Not the case. I looked at my watch only a few times to be amazed at how fast time was passing! What a great group of girls I had in my group!!!! First we had an exercise where we had to go through these cords. We had to figure out a way to get all the girls to the other side. The cords formed a spiderweb type formation and some holes were small, some were big, some were angled, etc. We could only use a hole once. We all had to work together in order to get our team members to the other side. We had like 18 girls which = 18 different personalities. We got all of our girls over to the other side and had lots of fun strategizing our plan to do so. Secondly, we had to do a ropes course. It took our whole team to do it. We all had to wear harnesses. Some girls were on the belay team. This mean that we were all hooked to a central line, and there would be a single individual hooked up at the very end of the line. The farther the belay team walked back the higher we could raise the single individual. We raised the individual to a pod in the air. From that point, your rope connected to your harness was then connected to a line, and you had to walk across the metal beams that moved as you stepped on them to the next pod. Once, you made it to the second pod, your rope was hooked up to a zip line. Then, you just pushed off and held onto your rope til you got to the last pod. From this point, your rope was hooked up to a line and you had to climb across a cargo net. Once to the middle, you were let down. Then, you went to the belay team to relieve someone else so they may do the ropes course. I was very nervous at first, but it turned out really fun!
After the ropes course, we did the rock wall. You can kind of see it in the picture above. I have never rock climbed before. Even though, I've gone up a size since last year:( I still consider myself a pretty athletic person. I'm also the once I start something I'm gonna finish it kind of person as well. I never like to go first. I like to go after a few people so I can figure out my plan. I went and the girls all said I was the fastest person in our group. I made it ALL the way to the top with no help and rang that bell. The way I envisioned myself was something like Spiderman on the wall. Ha! I didn't have to have my team shouting me telling me which "rock" to choose or anything. I scaled that wall!!! It was really really fun! Here's a few more pictures. None of the people in these pictures are from my retreat but pics from the Bridges website. If you've been in JL or are starting it this year, what was your retreat like???? Hope you lovelies had a fab weekend!!!
So glad to hear Puggy is doing better!
Sounds like the retreat was a blast - that rope line course looked so high up!
What exactly is JL?
I've heard about it through other blogs, but I'm unsure of what it is.
Anyways it sounds like you had a great time! :)
I have to say that I am quite impressed. I know about Junior League, of course, but I definitely didn't imagine them being the type of group to do a ropes course or rock-wall climbing! This reminds me of Camp Adventure in middle school! I wish that there was a JL near us, but unfortunately, the closest one is 2 hours away :-(
You're definitely making me reconsider joining the JL here..
Glad your retreat was fun, and I am very glad your sweet little pug is doing better!
Glad your pug is better and sounds like you had a great time on the retreat! JL sounds like a lot of fun and I totally want to join after school!
your retreat sounds like a blast!!! Glad Puggy is better! = )
Glad to hear Puggy is better!
I have heard about all sorts of other JLs having retreats...I don't know if mine doesn't have one or if I just don't know about it.
I'm so happy to hear that your baby is better!
Wow it sounds like you had a blast with the JL girls! I'm not so sure the JL retreats around here are so physical. If they were, I would definitely join in :)
P.S. I never received that email. I just started that email account, so if you don't mind sending it again, I would be happy to reply :)
What fun! Sounds like a great retreat. I'm joining JL this year in Westport.
We didn't do anything like that may provisional year! Who knows though? Maybe I just missed it!
We have over 500 in my provisional class, so no retreat for us! = (
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