If you're a new reader, see this post immediately before you read anymore. LC's brother's girlfriend has some issues, and she's at it again. Last night was a friend of mine's birthday. LC's brother was over, and they were jamming out to rock band. He asked me if it was okay if his girlfriend came over to change clothes. She ended up coming over while I was in the shower and getting ready. As she left, LC informed me that the first words out of her mouth were "this house stinks". I have a dog. I've been househunting every Saturday and Sunday all Summer, I work two nights a week on top of my day job, I just joined Junior League. Now, that we've put an offer on this house, my life will be much more settled when we move in. I will have more time to do the things that need to get done.
I've really had it with her. I have never met someone that had such terrible manners. Who does this? LC thinks she's the rudest person he's ever met. I am at wits end. Any suggestions?
Completely ridiculous! There are no words!
Wow! some people have no tact. I'm sort of an upfront person, and so I might confront her, not in a terrible your the wicked witch of the west way, but in a more civil way.
I might say that you are aware of her comment, and that you found it rude after being invited to your house she would feel it appropriate to make that comment in front of a room full of people, especially while you were not present. I might also humble myself and act like your feelings were really hurt. Explain that you're embarrassed that your house made her uncomfortable, but in the future it would be far more polite to either say nothing at all or if something must be said to pull you discreetly aside and mention it, without including every person present.
The bitter snarky part of me might also say something awful the next time she wants to come over, (but say it ever so sweetly)... she asks to come over to do XY or Z and you say, of course you're welcome to come, I only hope the horrible smell of my home isn't too offensive... ok that's snarky, but she probably deserves it...
I would not let her in my house NEVER again!!!!
I used to have a little sign who said, "we love the dog more than we like you, so please refrain from expressing your negative feedback if you want to keep being welcomed in this house - the management"
I think it is rude and she should be put in place... where are her manners???
Don't let her in your house that is the best idea! What a witch!
Does her boyfriend not see her being so rude?
She sounds like the type that's asking for a confrontation. Some people thrive on the drama and adrenaline that comes from an argument, and use it as an attention-seeking mechanism. They make rude, off-the-wall comments that no one else would make, and I truly believe that they're just itching for someone to call them on it. Then, when someone DOES call them on it, they can "show off" and explode. It's very unhealthy.
I truly think that since you have a history with this girl, and you know that this is unfortunately typical behavior, it would've been appropriate to respond to her rude comment with, "I'm sorry you don't care for the smell of my house. Since your nose is so sensitive, perhaps you should leave", and then open the door. You still come out sounding polite and civil, but you've in no uncertain terms told her that she's welcome to get out. She probably wouldn't have cared for your reaction, because it doesn't allow her to go off on you and create a scene. It also sounds like LC would back you up, and he should. I wouldn't seek her out and bring up this issue, but the next time she behaves rudely, politely show her the door. Having a destructive presence like this in your life shouldn't be tolerated.
First of all- your pug is so adorable! :) And after reading the previous post about your SIL, I'd have hit the roof if someone came into my house and insulted my dogs.
Second- I would probably inform your boyfriends brother that if his girlfriend is so disgusted by your home that she doesn't need to set foot in it.
Solves everything. That is so tactless and rude.
That is unheard of.... I would never in my life go in someone's house and say that!!!!!
Who does that!?!
What a complete witch...I agree with the others that she is looking for drama and just wants to cause a scene. Kill her with kindness and tell if she doesn't like your house then she's not welcome there....
your a bigger person then me, I would have tore her a new one after the first comment of my dog.
Thanks for you words of encouragement, they meant so much. Now I will try to return the favor. Can you just ignore it knowing she has no class and is not worth the effort? I know, you want to just freak out on her but try to let it go. You're fab and so is your dog.
Don't invite her to the new home. Even if it's spotless and smells like Heaven there will be some other comment. She is jealous and needs to leave a comment. She has nothing better to say because she has nothing good to say about herself.
whatta witch! I dont know exactly how to handle this one. If it were me I would be walking that fine line trying to decide if I was just going to go ahead tell her the frig off once and for all right about now. Hope it works out for ya.
I guess a flaming bag of puggy poo on her doorstep is out of the question? That'll teach her what stinks...
All I can say is, "Wow." I took my dog to my inlaws one time, and they kept making comments and spraying air freshener. It really pissed me off and hurt my feelings. And I had just given the dog a bath. Some people have no tact....
I don't even know what to say about this except, "classless". You don't know what to say to her because you cannot relate to someone who would behave that way. I don't know what I would do. Of course it seems like the most satisfying thing to do would be to tell her off.
But then, would you feel bad or feel like you had lowered yourself to her level? I don't know. Maybe LC's brother will just finally see her for who she really is.
Oh gosh! I know how you feel! Limey's brother James is fantastic. His girlfriend Sarah? Not fantastic. She is a brat. For example, when I first met her we were talking about college and I mentioned I was in a sorority and she rolled her eyes and said, "That's unfortunate". All you can do is try to be the bigger person and pray that your BIL meets someone new. Hopefully he'll get sick of her being rude.
So rude, I can't believe anyone would even date such a rude girl. I have to say I've been raised to always be polite. However, she may have been raised under a rock. I think that a book by Emily Post would make a fantastic present for her. You can say it's a book for her to help plan for the future. Even better give it to her in front of her bf :) Wow, I would NEVER let her in my house again. I'd leave her outside where it doesn't smell.
Oh girl! I need help with this same issue.....I won't go into detail because she tends to stalk me! It is ridiculous and incredibly complicated when it involves a wretched family member!
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