Yeah, the kid at Walgreens just got a cheap thrill. I need to remind my self when General Krottendorfer comes to visit that I need to check my clothes before I leave the house. I, like many of you I'm sure, grow up top per se for the week of the general's visit. I'm petite up top; so, my buttondowns fit just right. However, when the visit's a coming those buttons start to get a light tight. This is probably going to be TMI so that's your disclaimer to stop reading now if you don't like TMI. I'm a regular person when it comes to "tinkling". I tinkle in the morning, mid-morning, dinner time, and before bed. That's it. No more than 4x a day, sometimes less. I already went 4x this morning. You know what that means.....nasty Mr. UTI has made a visit. I guess he was missing the General and just had to come join the pity party too. Hmmm, I guess you're wondering why they are both men. Well, they are both PITAs (Pain in the A$$) and get on my nerves. That's just like a man for ya. So, after about the fourth bathroom trip, I decided it was time to take my morning break and head on over to Walgreens. I grab some medicine and a candy bar and head to the check out. A girl's gotta have some chocolate during the visit, right?. It's like the adult version of bubble gum medicine=) So, the cashier couldn't have been older than 19. He's trying to talk me into buying some Oreo brownie. I'm like no thanks
I'm sure you did make his day! Take solace in the fact that your day can only get better :)
I'm speechless!
Now, don't you feel better after getting all that out??? haha!!! :)
Haha! At least you definitely did make his day, though. Karma!
That's hilarious! I'm sure you definitely made his day. That's why he didn't notice that you had the candy bar....he was looking at 'other' merchandise.
Off topic...I have a pug too. His name is Pudge. Aren't pugs wonderful???
I bet you did make his day! That's probably why he wanted to keep talking about the Oreo. Ha! Don't ya hate when that happens. Drink lots of cranberry juice and the UTI will run it's course. I get them ALL THE TIME! I have since I was little and they suck! I found that using the scented tampons always gives me one, but if they are unscented I am fine. Maybe that will help. Feel Better :)
Oh girly! You just made my day! I think of you as a IRL friend too! I can't wait until we do meet face to face (which must happen one day). When Dana moves down to Macon, we should all plan a beach weekend or a weekend to Atlanta to shop! Anyway, you are too sweet and I am so glad we meet each other through the blog world.
Oh sweet girl, hang in there... we've all had days like that... The first day I met our sales rep for our corporate gym account the middle button of my button down was undone, he still mentions it... a year later.... creep-o
The weekend is almost here! I hope work goes better for you (and me) tomorrow!
It's a hilarious story about Walgreen's though. That kid is probably still telling his friends about it!
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