No, that's not my car. Trust me, I wish I drove a Lexus SUV, and I wish I lived where there were palm trees. I'm a bad parker. I admit it. LC gets so irritated at my mad parking skills. He just wished he parked like me. I was late to work this morning. Typical Monday, wait no today's Tuesday, but since yesterday was a holiday, today is my Monday. This is exactly what my car looked like after I looked back at it this morning before going in the door. I work with about 30 people. You eff my car; I know who you are. One of my co-workers is on vacay. She's so sweet and such an amazing person. She even stayed late last week getting things taken care of and making sure we had a detailed list of things needing to be done. She's also one of those that goes above and beyond her job description. In the sense, that she does a lot of stuff that she's not required to do i.e. typing up things, entering data, etc. Basically, a lot of the things the people she assists are supposed to do, but she ends up doing it. So, it's like they're babies when she's gone. They are lost and expect us to do what she does for them. Um, no, I'm sorry. That's not my job. Gaw, I'm X'ing off the days on my calendar til she returns. Do you all ever get swamped with work when one of your colleagues is out? It S.U.C.K.S. Enough of my venting, there are tons of people without jobs, and I am LUCKY to have one. I know. I'm sucking it up and putting on my big girl panties for the rest of the week. Only 3more days to go...
Having dinner with LC tonight before my JL meeting. Hope you all had a lovely holiday weekend and hoped you enjoy your holiday without having to do any labor
Love it! Preppy boyfriend makes fun of my parking too, he actually says I have a "parking school" and everytime we see a some parked badly somewhere he says, "you must be proud, another successful graduate" or some other smart thing...
Sorry you're day was bad, but the week is half over starting tomorrow!
I totally have trouble parking my car! Oh and forget parallel parking. That is definitely something I can not do!!!
I hope you have nice dinner and meeting! I also hope tomorrow is a better day for you!
Totally understand!!! I hope you have a great supper with your man and a great meeting.
Ah, yes I know about the added pressure that comes when someone like your coworker is out. I hate that! Hope your week gets better!!
I'm a bad parker, too! And forget trying to paralell park! I took Pitner Driving School at 16 (don't kow if you had him), but Mr. Pitner screamed at me as the entire class watched the first time I ever tried to paralell park!
I went home sobbing and my dad immediately drove back up there to "have a word with him". Nevertheless, I'm still not able to paralelle park years later!
I went to a private school, too, but they offered somehow to set us up with Pitner, so a bunch of my friends signed up together. We had our classes at MUS up on that hill facing Poplar and one kid lost control of the car and drove down the hill!
I went to Briarcrest. Where did you go? Or do you not want to say, since you're anonymous? That's okay if you don't!
Praying she comes back quickly, for your sake, haha!! :)
Sometimes, I park like that too. Opps.
That parking picture is great Miss Belle, I love it. Hopefully the rest of the week will go better!
Sending you a smile,
I'm a terrible parker as well! Good luck the rest of the week.
I love when one of ym coworkers is away, we seem to get more done when he's gone! :)
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