When you can't remember why the fight started in the first place, then it's just plain stupid to still hold a grudge. I had dinner with the ex-bestie, now good friend again, last night. We literally sat at Felicia Suzanne's and laughed and talked for like 3 hours. It's as if we never quit being friends. What I do remember is that the fight trickled over from a situation that didn't have anything to do with me for the most part. It had to do with one of our other friends. I think it just came down to the point that no one could get along due to this situation and well, you just pick a side. And, I guess you know what side I picked. It wasn't necessarily the wrong one, but you go with your best judgment at the time. It really was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid, the whole fall out that is. Seriously, but I think it happened for a reason. We both have grown so much and changed so much for the better. We are both in much better, happier places than we were before. It's good, and I am glad we are friends again. This is someone that I shared my space with, someone who I loved and cared about very much, someone who was my best friend, someone who helped me throw all TWOS stuff over the balcony. She was really something! I've missed her this past year. And, I think the most important part of the conversation is when she said that she was sorry, and she explained that she waited til she was really truly sorry. She could have apologized 6 months ago and not meant it, but she said she didn't want to do that. She wanted to mean it and waited til she was ready. I had to wait til I was ready. And last night, we were both ready to put it behind us. I really needed that dinner last night. I've been hurt by a very dear friend of mine lately, and it was nice to feel loved by a friend. I'm so glad we're friends again. So, seriously, if you're not on speaking terms with someone you love and care about over something stupid, put away your pride and pick up the phone, punch some keys, get out that iphone to text, be the bigger person. It's worth it. It doesn't matter in the end who gives first, but what does matter is making the effort. Because, if you don't, you'll always wonder what if.....
I have been through that exact same thing with one of my former BFFs. It's hard, but you do both have to wait til you're ready.
Aww, i love that feeling. :) Im happy for you.
I'm so glad that you got back together with your friend. I've had something similar happen with a best friend of mine, although I really don't have a reason for why she quit speaking to me. I've emailed her and gotten one back saying she'd call me(she hasn't), so I'm not sure what else I can do, short of stalking her. I guess I'm just going to wait until she makes up her mind to talk to me.
this same thing happened to me...only we were "broken up" for more than 3 years.
now she'll be a bridesmaid in my wedding this weekend, since she introduced me to my fiance!
things always work out the way they're supposed to =)
I have been through a similar situation recently with my college roommate. I think we just could not live together...but we are close friends again now that we are just neighbors!
Oh that is just lovely. Some friends come and go ... and some return again. Glad the patch is up and the mend feels good. Xoxo-BLC
That's awesome! I went through that with an ex best friend turned ex boyfriend. After college, he called and gave the most sincere appology. We immediately went back to being close friends. So the way it should be! Good for you!!
So glad things worked out the way they did for you! It is always so hard to think you have lost a friend. Hope y'all are even better friends now! = )
That's great that you 2 made up.
I think that's absolutely fantastic. I still have a few old friends that I need to bury the hatchet with over things that I honestly cannot remember! Hopefully in due time...
So so glad you and your friend worked it all out. Because frankly, when all is said and done, life is just too short and friendships mean too much!!!
Good for you! I'm happy for you :)
I am so glad you and your friend made amends! It sounds like y'all had a wonderful time catching up at dinner!!
Girls are so crazy sometime!! I'm glad to hear you two worked it out! I love some ecards- great choice! Xo
I have been through something so similar to this! My BFF was there for me through my pregnancy, holding my hand during my C-section, and my son actually called her Dada for a while... we were able to turn that into Dede fortunately! But then we had a huge falling out and it was like going through a divorce! Our lives were so completely intertwined we didn't know how to make separate lives! For us it turned out that was part of the problem. We had both grown up and needed to be able to be our own people. Now we have been able to come back together and find a whole new friendship and I'm so happy you have been able to find the same thing!
Its crazy how we grow apart from one another as we get older and develop more opinions, etc...glad you realized that you still needed eachother, and glad to know that this happens to others :)
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