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Friday, October 2, 2009

Fried Puggy? I think not!!!!!

What is wrong with people? I mean seriously. How can you get so mad at someone that you decide to eat the pets you bought together. I got Puggy when TWOS and I were together. If you're a new reader, TWOS (total waste of space) is my heinous ex. Just because our break up ended badly, no, we are not amicable to this day if you were wondering I didn't just up and decide to go fry puggy and put her on a plate. I mean really. Come on people. Now, I understand that in some far away land fried goldfish is probably considered a delicacy, but still I digress.....

Houston Woman Fries and Eats Pet Goldfish After Fight With Husband*
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

PASADENA, Texas — Authorities say a Houston-area woman who was burned up at her former common-law husband fried their pet goldfish and ate some of them.
Pasadena police say it's a civil matter and no charges will be filed. The seven goldfish were purchased together by the couple during happier times.
Police spokesman Vance Mitchell says the man reported on Saturday that the woman took the goldfish from his apartment.
Mitchell says the two argued earlier about some jewelry the man had given her but took back. She wanted the jewelry returned.
Officers who were dispatched to the woman's home arrived to find four fried goldfish on a plate. The woman said she already ate the other three.

*credit to

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JG said...

That actually cracks me up. I guess it's different because we do eat fish, if not goldfish. Eating fish is different to me than eating puppies - which is sick and wrong. Although it does seem like an extreme breakup reaction.

Kristin said...

Whatever happened to NORMAL reactions to a bad break up? Like slashing his tires and telling everyone you broke up because he's gay? lol

Anonymous said...

That's one of the most... interesting things I've heard lately. I even had to read it out loud to my boyfriend.

LWLH said...

That is just too wierd....goldfish, really?

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

Okay, I know it's just a goldfish, but that's not the point, to me. They were their pets and you just don't do something like that. I think that woman is a despicable person for doing that. She only did it to get back and him - if it had been a cat would she have done the same thing? Crazy!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Oh that is beyond terrible! My pet is my baby. Who would think to do that anyway?

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's so crazy....but the article made me giggle when it stated "woman who was burned up at her former common-law husband"! Only in the south!

Anonymous said...

What?!?! That's just wrong!

Lauren said...

Oh my word, how crazy is that!!!!!!!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

I read about this - it's absolutely hideous! Blech.

The Pink Chick said...

Holy Crap! I can't believe that woman did that! Poor little Gold fish! Thank goodness this crazy lady didn't buy a cat or dog with her ex!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Don't mess with a woman scorned folks. Sick.


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