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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our new furniture

Well, almost furniture. LC's parents are ordering us our new bedroom furniture. I hope it comes soon. I hate seeing boxes. I want it to be organized and organized NOW. I am so thankful and grateful for this gift. It will look great in our master bedroom. We are putting my bedroom suit into one of the guest rooms.

This is the collection we have chosen for the bedroom:

I'm pretty traditional. I liked the look of this collection. Granted it is brand new furniture, but, to me, it has the look and lines of antique furniture. I'm not big on ornate stuff with a lot of carvings or anything contemporary for that matter either. It's just not my style. But, I do love going in other people's homes who do relish those styles. It's almost like borrowing something for a bit but not having to commit to it. Ha!

We also chose the Tortola dining room collection as well:

So, what do you think???


Anonymous said...

Everything is gorgeous!

Brittany said...

Everything looks beautiful. I'm in love with the dining room pieces. We're in the market for a new table. Maybe I can work some magic and get something that looks like that! :)

Great taste doll!

KatieB. said...

So pretty! I've been wanting new furntiture and I think we're going to do that for Christmas! Happy Decorating!

Anonymous said...

I love it! I like the antique feel. Can't wait to see the completed project!

Lauren said...

AMAZING!!!!!!!! Love what you selected!!!!! :)

Brittney said...

What a fabulous gift! Both collections are beautiful!!

Jennifer said...

I love it!!!! That is my style to a T! That is going to look gorgeous in the new house! Where did you find it or what brand is it? I need to remember the brand when we go buy our furniture!

KellyV said...

I love it all, especially that table! Though, I'm a sucker for a round pedestal table ... seeing this one reminds me I really need to go take mine back from my parent's house so we can finally use it!

Tara said...

I love love that bedroom set! Where did you get it?

The Pink Chick said...

I love it all! We have very similar tastes! My furniture is very traditional as well! I am in love with the bedroom set! If my set wasn't so new, I would totally copy cat you! It's so beautiful!

Beth Dunn said...

That is gorgeous! I love traditional furniture too. xoxo


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

I really like your choices. This is very similar to what I would've selected for myself :-)

Nancy said...


PS. 7 months later, I'm still unpacking :)

Ruth said...

Beautiful choices! I love traditional pieces too.
Enjoy all the decorating

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

I already told you that I loved your bedroom suite, but I apparently missed the dining room set when I first looked at this post. I. Love. It. Oh my gosh, it is absolutely tdf! I need one just like it.

Anonymous said...

lovelovelove it!! I cant wait to see pictures! hope you have a great weekend! = )

What Kate Wore said...

It is all going to look beautiful Miss Belle, good for you on getting so much done, decisions made, things ordered, that is a lot to accomplish!

Have a great weekend!

Julie Leah said...

It's random that I'm leaving this comment here under your furniture post, but whatever. I am a new follower and I love it!! I'm actually a new blogger period. Thank you so much for the comment! I would love for you to follow me :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Lipstick said...

I love the furniture! Excellent taste you have!


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