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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Let Down....

Oh Dewayne Carter, how I love thee and thy lyrics. Oh how in 2008, The Carter III was my jam. I loved it so much I would get out of my car and randomly start dancing in the streets downtown when I would stop at stop signs while my friends cracked up in the car behind me. Oh how I longed for the day The Carter IV would come out. Well, The Carter IV came out, and needless to say, I am not impressed. Lil' Wayne you let me down. I just knew this would be AH-MAZING! Alas, it's more meh. Meh, okay. Not a bust, but not worthy to play all day around the clock and beg the DJ at clubs to play my song. These are the best lyrics on the album in my opinion.

"Some of us are lovers, most of y'all haters. But I put up a wall, and they just wallpaper. So love or hate me, I stay hate free"

Personalized Gifts


Catherine said...

awww man. i was totally looking forward to downloading the album later tonight....

Unknown said...

ughh i feel the same way!! im so bummed. everyone knows how much i love jamming out to any lil wayne song and this cd was not quite worth all the hype :(

REBrown said...

I didn't think it could get any better after Fireman.....and it didn't!

Seashells and Southern Belles said...

I heart Lil Wayne too! I went to his concert when he was here back in July and it was a funnn time!!

the savvy speechie said...

I somehow stumbled upon your too-cute blog! And you're a Memphis gal? Even better!

Oh Lil Weezy, I love you too. I wonder, though, does his voice sound like auto tune 24/7? Haha


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