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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Car Update and Giveaway Winner

Got the news yesterday that Buffy was totaled:( Now it's a waiting game with the insurance company. Their company that evaluates the cars is putting Buff in the "good" condition category. Nope, not working for me. Buffy was in very good if not excellent condition for her age. She'd never been wrecked, no rust, and not too many scratches. Needless to say, they are calling the shop back to get a second look at her. I'm really leaning towards the Venza and the hybrid Camry. We can get a fully loaded Venza for less than the Camry. And the Venza is a crossover so there's an SUV like trunk to transport Puggy whereas the Camry does not have this. My neck/upper back area still hurts:( Still keeping up on the exercise sheet the doc gave me. Air bag burns are almost gone; they are very faint now. The only bad thing is all the phone convos. I've literally spend all morning on the phone with the insurance company, my husband, and others. So annoying. Didn't get any grad work done today. Guess that will take all day tomorrow and Thursday before class.

Oh well, life goes on...
The winner of the MyMemories giveaway is #4 chosen by which is:

Blogger Susan Zentmyer said...
Love these! My favorite (I think) is On Tour. Thanks for the fun!
March 20, 2012 6:15 PM

Susan, please email me so I can get  you all set up:)
 Personalized Gifts

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