I woke up about 3am Tuesday morning with gutwrenching stomach pain. I literally sat up in the bed and could not breathe! I had a similar attack fall of 2010, and it ended up being gastritis (an infection in the stomach). Last time, I waited for like 5 hrs thinking it was severe heartburn before heading to the ER. This time at about 4:30am, I told LC to get dressed, and we're headed to the ER. You know what...I wasn't impressed with my patient care AT ALL. Once I was taken back to a room, all I heard was laughing, they were talking and laughing SO loud, and the poor, old lady next to me kept screaming for a nurse. Granted, later on, I find out she's in there a lot, but the nurse who did my blood pressure and stuff would inform her that her nurse's name was Charles. Then, the lady would start screaming Charles over and over while the staff laughed. Now, I understand you need to have fun in the workplace, but really, I'm in severe pain, and my husband asked several times for more pain medication. The lidocaine wasn't cutting it, and they were like okay. Then, he'd come back to the room and more laughing would ensue. The LAST thing I want to hear while I'm in pain is a staff cutting up and no pain meds for me. I'm already having to listen to the old lady with dementia next to me screaming that something was getting her and to take it off. Finally, a nurse comes in, and he explains to us they are in the middle of shift change. He said they have to be very careful and double check meds and double check them again since they've been up all night. I'm not saying that's not true, but I find it hard to believe that that's why it took soooo long. [nurse readers, please correct me if I'm wrong;) ] Evidently, gastritis and gallstones have the same symptoms. I remember this from the last time I was in the ER. I found it weird they didn't ask me about it or do an ultrasound. They discharged me with a gastritis sheet and some pain meds. Nothing for an "infection." I followed up with my GI a couple of hours later, and he said it was gallstones. He thought they should have done an ultrasound too! Well, I headed back to the hospital, had the ultrasounds, and the radiologist confirmed the gallstones. :((((
It's sad that you have to schedule a surgery around grad school and state testing. I have to do a mock presentation of my master's project tomorrow, can't meet with the surgeon next week due to defending my master's project to some rando professors, sooooooo it will have to be the following Thursday. I can't do it before Thursday because it would require me to miss work, and we have state testing in three weeks. Then, I have important JL training for my new placement next year that following Saturday, sooooooo I will have to schedule my surgery in three weeks. Needless to say, I am googling everything about gallbladder diets to help me NOT have an attack before my surgery. If you made it this far, please say a prayer and/or keep your fingers crossed for me!

Oh no!! I had my gallbladder taken out two years ago, and it wasn't fun. If you want advice or anything, let me know! I'll be thinking about you sweet girl!
I don't blame you for being annoyed! Geez!
I hope you feel better soon! :)
Happy Wednesday to you!
Have mercy! You are surely being tested. You are strong and can handle these road blocks.
I will add you to the prayer list indeed.
That is terrible in the ER!! If they're going to laugh at least make it be somewhere so others don't hear it. I hope you make it these next three weeks! Praying for you!!
Oh no!!! I would totally be annoyed as well...I hate receiving sub par care at the hospital, especially when it costs sooo much. Praying for you!
My goodness! I sure hope things turn around soon. You have to have a good summer!
I had my gallbladder out last October for gallstones as well--not fun!! The most important thing right now is to not have another attack so the lining around the organ doesn't get inflamed. Best thing is a fat free/uber low fat diet. Up until my surgery I lived on fruit smoothies, gilled chicken and rice, and bananas. Think bland foods. The less fat the better!
Oh gosh I am so sorry! I know you didn't need any more stress, and this sounds awful. I hope that everything turns around soon- best of luck to your kiddos and you during testing!
Yuck! Sorry you've been sick and sorry you had a bad experience in the ER!
I'm a nurse and really all stomach problems seem to present in the same way with the stomach pain, etc.
As a fellow gallbladder issue person- stick to bland foods. Your gallbladder has to secrete the bile or digestive juices to break down fat when you eat items with fat in them. Stick to low to non fat foods so you don't have too much pain until your surgery.
Keeping you in my thoughts these next couple of weeks!
Just got around to reading this.... I hope everything turns out ok between now and the doctor! (And after too!) I'll say some prayers for you! :-)
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