I think I'm addicted to shopping. I have a closet full of clothes, yet I still want
MORE. Seriously, I'm like a greedy little gremlin. Today, I have decided that I am going on a shopping hiatus. I need to work on paying down my c/c. I really don't need anything else. I have enough. Do y'all darlings have this problem too????
On another note, I put the monogram on LC's shirt on the cuff. Thanks so much for all y'alls input. At first, I went with the pocket as pretentious as it was, but after all the comments, I called and had it changed. I think it was the perfect touch.
Before, I had this
breakdown epiphany about my shopping problem, I did purchase this today. It fit great. A tad too big in the neck, but I'll just have that altered. It was too cute to pass up. I can't find it on target.com, but I got the purple/plum color. And for $14.99, what a great bargain=)

I love shopping, I just can't afford it. I think you make a good choice on the dhirt very cute. Oh I changed my blog name. It is no longer blondie goes blog. Hopefully the ex won't find me now..lol
Have a great day.
LADY!! i am so with you!!! i need to cut all shopping immediately...i say that everyday and everyday i find something new that i just cannot live without...haha...it's problem...a serious one...but OH HOW I LOVE TO FILL MY CLOSET WITH LOVELY NEW FRIENDS!
I'm in love with that ruffle shirt! What a great deal.
That is an adorable shirt. I am really trying to cut down on my shopping as well to lower my credit cards too. I know that if I work on my cards that in the end I will have the ability to buy more clothes later on, but that does not help today!
I totally have the same problem! I need to stop spending and start saving and start paying off credit cards!!!
I do the same thing! I literally bought so many things this summer that I haven't had the chance to wear my favorites as much as I'd like to. Trying to find the balance between wearing the same things all of the time and having too many things that I don't get to wear enough!
I really want to stop buying as much and save more, but it's so hard!
P.S. I have a very similar top in purple that I got at Ann Taylor Loft last year. Love it! I think our closets probably have some of the same items!
girl i feel ya! I have a shopping PROBLEM! I almost just need the feeling of buying something new somedays! so bad!
I have been struggling with this lately too! I find myself planning outfits with things I don't even own yet. For instance the commentary in my brain, "Those capris I saw on sale would go great with that blue shirt over at this store that I wanted to buy the other day and oooh what shoes? oh I could go to Macy's and get these." Seriously didn't need the clothes to begin with, but I buy them anyway. I have watched my balance go up and up and I am sick and tired of it. I have been trying to get it paid down (or off!) lately, but I always cave. Ugh, why is it so hard?
If someone took away my ability to shop, I may drop dead. Right then and there. So I understand completely. And I refuse to ever quit! EVER.
I'm right there with you girl! I literally cannot fit another thing in any of my closets...to the extent that I have new stuff hanging on the closet door knobs, over the door, and stacked in neat little piles. Yet I cannot stop buying and want MORE. I curbed back on my shopping for a while, but the new fall clothes always make me go a little crazy. It's a never ending cycle!
Good for you on the shoping hiatus! Sometimes I need to do that (or the hubby puts me on one and I have no choice). I am guilty of thinking I need a new outfit for every event which is not true!!
Do you follow Mrs. Newlywed's blog??? Because she's going on shopping hiatus too, haha!!
Love that blouse!!! :)
I have the opposite problem. I LOVE looking at things and wanting them but I feel SO guilty when I buy them. I give myself freedom with panties though. And I have a million pair.
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