that is the question. So, I've decided on just buying LC a nice dress shirt for work for our anniversary. He doesn't use flasks, cufflinks, or any of that stuff. I thought I'd buy him a nice work shirt from Jos. A. Banks. Now, my question to you is should I monogram the pocket or not? I asked a couple of friends of mine what they thought, and they both said
pretentious. Do your husbands/significant others like their shirts monogrammed??? I'm a huge fan of monogramming. I know LC isn't too keen on it, but he'll wear anything I get him. What do you think?

photos credited to: Jos. A. BanksFYI,
Legally Pink and Green is having a giveaway! Go check it out=)
My husband gets his shirts monogrammed but on the cuff of the sleeve. It is not that noticable but looks very nice.
I agree, get the monogram on the cuff, classy without being one of those guys...
I think the cuff is better as well. I was at a bar the other day and our state senator was there with a monogrammed shirt pocket & I thought it was a bit much.
My husbands are monogrammed on the cuff. It's a much less "try hard".
The cuff for my hub. I love a monogram that is the exact color of the shirt for the pocket. It usually is pretty subtle.
Definately the cuff.
I agree with what all the others say ... monogram on the cuff. Hope it likes it!
I agree...the cuff's. hope you have a great day AND anniversary! = )
It's hard on guys clothes...but something small on the cuff is sweet and not too noticeable.
The cuff, I think it is sweet!
I talked to my boyfriend and he said that he would wear one if it was a small monogram on the cuff of the sleeve or on the collar. =) That would be so cute though because it would have your personal touch!
Umm... we are clearly in the minority here, but we would do the shirt and skip the monogram. Congratulations on the upcoming Anniversary, that is great!
May your week be fabulous Miss Belle,
How sweet are you...I would do the cuffs.
I agree with almost everyone here - cuff! I think it's small and discreet, yet you will know it's there (and so will he and think of you every time he sees it)! Happy Anniversary!
I would say get it monogrammed but on the cuff or sleeve :)
I say monogramm. I think it's very professional and polished looking.
Happy Anniversary!!!
The shirt is a nice idea, I say monogram too!
I'm going against the grain here, but I say no. I'm just not a fan of a man in monogram.
I think the cuff is better as well
Work From Home
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