We will probably not be getting the house. The lending has fallen through. And no, it's not because our salaries suck, but LC is definitely the breadwinner. However, his employment status is considered "temporary" until a full time slot becomes available. He works the same hours and does the same job as a "full time" employee, but he doesn't receive benefits. That's the only difference. So...the lenders won't go for it because of the word "temporary" on his paystub. Sucks. He might go full time in a month, but it's not a done deal. Hard to explain since this is an anonymous blog. It just sucks and is embarrassing. You know like if you've ever gone to purchase an item, and when they swipe your card, it comes back as declined. But, you soooooo have more than enough money in your account to cover it, but it's some kind of technical glitch. That's how it feels. Sorry, it's the only silly somewhat similar scenario I could come up with. So, we'll still be living in my small, cramped apartment til God knows when. This has been like the worst day seriously. Then, just kidding around, I jokingly texted him. Conversation is as follows:
Well now, I can get my ring. Ha!
There are things keeping you from getting a ring...Belle:
Such as?
[Southern Belle ponders and thinks WTF, hold on a freaking minute! I will not be told there could possibly be something wrong with moi...]
Well, I didn't want one anyways[fuming at her desk thinking shopping shouldn't be keeping her from getting a sparkly bauble]
What are you upset for, I was just messing with around, if you really don't want one then we need to talk.Psssssh, that's what I thought! Besides, way to rain on a girl's parade today. God, It's me Belle. Are you there? I would like a parade without rain tomorrow. Thanks! And, preferably a parade decorated in pink and green, my favorite colors of course! Love ya!!!!!
I told LC until that "temporary" word
aka evil word from HELL goes away, I am
NOT going to look at another house. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my Summer. I'm a spoiled girl, and I'm an only child. It's been like that my whole life. So, when I get my heart set on something, and it doesn't happen, I get really disappointed things didn't turn out how I wished them to. I need to work on that. Sorry for you new followers, I promise my post tomorrow will be much better.

Without further adieu, I leave you with this. I guess it could be worse. I
could be going in for a
"temporary" tattoo that lasts FOREVER. Muhahahahahahahaha!
I am so sorry to hear this! This just doesn't seem fair. Lending companies are so hard to work with sometimes.
I think he should definitely buy you a sparkly diamond ring to help you get over the disappointment of not getting the house! :)
I hope your day gets better! By the way, where in Georgia was the wedding? Did you have fun?
I'm so sorry! That is NOT fair at all, you poor thing!
Ugh, that stinks!! That "temporary" word is such a pain!! I hope your day gets better. Maybe God will bring you a pink + green parade tomorrow!
I'm sorry to hear about the house. But the ring conversation was too funny! I'm sure things will turn up soon!
Aww...that's poopy! I'm sorry to hear about the housing situation. Keep your head up. Hopefully LC gets a permanent position soon! That picture about the temporary tatoos FOREVER is freakin hilarious...
I am so sorry JM! Do not be embarassed about it! It is just a stupid protocol thing. It's not like y'all are poor and trying to buy a mansion...that would be much more embarassing. Bad analogy, but it gets the point across. You will be getting that sparkly bauble one of these days and a beautiful house too! Until then, just enjoy your summer. I am hear for you if you want to talk about things...you know my email.
sorry to hear that because i know you were excited about that house. hopefully in a few months it will all work out. until then enjoy the rest of the summer, you deserve it!
That "PRN" status can really bite you in the butt sometimes and it really sucks. My BFF is a RN and she ran into the same thing even though she worked the same 40 hours as everyone else and made twice the cash. Its crazy! I hope everything works out for y'all :)
I'm so sorry! It's so hard now because of all of the irresponsible people that defaulted on their loans. This makes it harder for those of us who actually pay our bills to get one! A few years ago (or even last year probably) the "temporary" thing probably would've been fine...it's not fair, but I hope that everything will work out in the end! In fact, I know it will! Hope your day gets better tomorrow!
I know this just plain stinks for you, but everything happens for a reason, and it's all in God's good timing!!! Just focus on that, and sometimes I know it's easier said then done!!!
Hey girl, I know how it is!!! I've been dying for a new house myself, but lately things just haven't been going my way.
hang in there. I am sorry to hear about the house. Things will get better soon.
Oh I'm so sorry! I've been in similar situations before and ugh it just sucks! Feels like a punch in the gut really. I'm crossing my fingers that things possibly work on in the coming months for y'all.
I'm sorry the deal fell flat....I know that's so disappointing....but I think you'll be surprised when you everything falls into place, the house you end up with will be better than the one you lost.... God knows what you want....trust Him. :-)
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