First off since it's 11:08, I know you're wondering what the heck is she doing blogging so late. LC is dreaming of sugar plum fairies
more like Megan Fox since that tramp is his screensaver on the pc and the fact that he kicked the covers off and is probably dreaming of that skank bent over working on her bike. Think Transformers 2. But, I'm S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G. I know it's too late to eat, but I think I hear the pasta LC's mom sent home calling me, "Belle, Eat me. Eaaaat me. Just Eaaaaaaaattttt me." I'm so tempted. I didn't eat much today; because, my co-worker is out sick. So, we have to help out, and well, I was just so darn busy today that I didn't eat that much. I never eat late at night, but tonight, I just might have to. Do any of y'all eat the so-called "fourth meal", cave in for a snack, or go to bed hungry in these situations???
4th meal all the way. If I go to bed hungry, I wake up absolutely miserable. A mini bag of popcorn, a betty crocker warm delights, or leftovers usually hit the spot for me.
I'm such a night owl that I usually start to get hungry at night and almost always cave. I just try to keep my snacks more on the high protein side. The worst thing to eat a couple hours before bed is a bunch of carbs!
I do all the time!!! I just cant help it! I am sooooo bad! haha
The hubs and I will occasionally eat late night :) I try not to though.
RE Latisse - The first product out was to be dropped directly in the eye and that is why there is a chance of iris pigmentation. The current product is made to go on like eyeliner....so no iris pigmentation problems. I have green eyes and have been using it for over 3 months and I've had ZERO problems.
RE wretched girl: I will get to via email if work will ever get off my back :) busy, busy week here!
I try to stay away from the late night munchies...but I almost always give in.
I used to be a huge believer in 4th meal until I got married to a meal nazi. (I say with a hint of humor) "You don't eat after dark!!!!" So, yeah, if necessary, I sneak a snack after he goes to sleep. But I'm weaning myself off of the habit.
I tend to go to sleep hungry rather than eat really late at night. The next morning if I do eat, I feel really sluggish & tired.
Although, usually, late night eating is after a late night of drinking - which means I wake up tired anyway. :)
I definitely go with the 4th meal or else I wake up so hungry I can barely get out of bed. And Megan Fox aint no thing. :)
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