1. a pair of Tory Burch Revas-Size 8...preferably black
2. Nintendo Wii-one of the teachers lost 60 lbs using her Wii. I live in the country. The closest gym doesn't offer classes. I'm too old to "enjoy" working out. I need classes. I need to be entertained. Ha! The Wii will do that:)
3. Lilly Pulitzer's Junior League Murfee scarf
4. Nook-on the fence b/t a Nook and the Kindle...recs, complaints, suggestions, email me! would love to hear your review on this
5. Seven for All Mankind jeans-original fit, bootcut, dark wash, size 28 if you're wondering.
1. Urban Decay Naked Eyeshadow Palette-I can't force myself to buy $50 worth of eye shadows. Receiving it as a gift...not too shabby!
2. Sephora gift card-I always ask for one of these for xmas. Never fails when you're broke after Christmas that you run out of something. Handy to have one of these for that purpose!
3. Court of Versailles La Caravane Bedding-I am lusting after this for our bedroom!
4. Tiffany Key Pendant-I LOVE keys, especially antique styled ones. Would love any of these!
5. David Yurman Pearl and Silver Cable Bracelet
6. Ornate Gold Mirror-we need one of these to put over the buffet in our formal dining room.
PS-don't forget about my Tastefully Simple party. Ends this Friday! Free shipping on your items. Details here. Happy Shopping:)

I might have to steal a few of your items for my wish list. My wish list is pathetic.
I am supposedly getting my Kindle Fire today, and Mr. RH is a Nook expert... we'll give you the breakdown.
What a great list! I'm hoping for a Kindle. :)
I love your lists! I totally understand your desire for the wii! I want one to be entertained because the gym here is tiny and only scary people go there so I don't feel safe. Plus, I don't have a regular schedule, so the wii would let me work out just whenever I could, without worrying about how awful I look!
I hope you get the Naked palette. I love it and think I do my eyeshadow so much better now that I have it.
I have that DY bracelet on my list for this year. I know I won't get it, but it's fun to wish.
Oh also! If you get a Sephora gift card, when you use it make sure you ask the people there if your card is the kind that comes with a free makeover. I just bought one for a gift the other day, and if your buy a card for over $50, you have the option of getting a makeover card. It doesn't cost extra for the purchaser, but I couldn't tell any difference on the card to know it was the makeover one..so that's why I say you should ask!
If someone wanted to get me any of these things you've mentioned, I'd be so happy!
We got a Wii last year and love it! It's so great for keeping up with your weight too.
I love the jeans and want a pair also!
I have the Tiffany Fleur de Lis key necklace and literally wear it 4x/week. I love it so much that my parents got one for my sister for her birthday this year. (She got the trefoil. Also adorbs!!)
I love your Christmas list! I also have the TB revas and david yurman on my list!
My aunt has 3 Yurmin Bracelets. And a ring. And a necklace. Can you say jealous?
I have a Nook. Just the regular, not even a color. I picked it b/c our library supports the Adobe software for their e-books so I can check our books on it. Plus, at the time B&N was the only program that allowed you to share your books. Kindle hadn't even discussed it yet.
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