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Monday, February 6, 2012

Q & A-Monday:)

Link Up Monday with Shasta Anne and PIPM!

1. Favorite place you've traveled?
I really loved New Orleans. I know it's right here in the states. But it has a lot of character and history!

2. Where would you want to go if you could have a paid ticket and hotel?
I would love to go to Italy. I've always want to go and see everything and eat, eat, eat!

3. If you have a trip planned, where is it to? 
Our Honeymoon!!!! We're going to Savannah, GA.

4. Were you an honor roll student in school? 
Yup, sure was!!! I loved learning and I loved school.

5. What was your major in college? 
English Lit with a concetration in Brit Lit
This year, I'll be completing my Master of Arts in Teaching

6. Ever go to camp? 
does basketball camp count?!?!?!?

7. Favorite tv show of all time? 
hmmm this was a hard one. i don't know if i have one of "all" time, but I do love Grey's Anatomy. I haven't seen the last three seasons though.

8. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? 
probably my smart mouth.

9. What was your childhood nickname? 
I didn't have one. Although in college, I had friends who called me Dubs since my last name started with a W.

10.What would your dream job be?
to be a travel reporter

Personalized Gifts


Leslie said...

What a fun way to start a Monday! I was an English major too, and love Brit Lit. :)

Caroline said...

Savannah will be amazing! You're going to love it.


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